Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ian and Hayley...


Goofy pair! Ian took this "self portrait" of Hayley and himself at Pike's Peak in northeastern Iowa... just across from Prairie Du Chien.


gypsy noir said...

Oh, what a lovely snapshot, Hayley looks so cheeky, what a pretty girl..
The scenerie in the back drop is quite stunning too..

Lannio said...

Look like you'd fit right in then. I think the lot of you deserve each other ;-)

MargieCM said...

Great photo! They look like fun.
Speaking of looks, I loved your photos on the last post, and yes, your hair is looking great! Love the colour, and the cheeky peak at the front.

Stevie said...

They are two of a kind, these two. I am always amaze by how similar they truly are.
To really get the full effect of the pic you have to enlarge it. I crack up every time I look at Hayley's face in this one. I am going to add another one later that Ian took of her that I just loved... it is so carefree.
As soon as I nail down all three, I am going to do a family portrait. Maybe I will even be in it! Tripods and synch cords... gifts of the photo gods.

Unknown said...

Who ARE those people?!?!?

Stevie said...

no idea, but they arrived on my doorstep and demanded food.

gypsy noir said...

Oh to be that young and care free..takes me back to last week ;0)..
What a darlin, Hayley is a little beauty!..

Anne-Marie said...

Stevie, maybe you could explain who they are for those of us who arrived late at this blog... I think I have it figured out but I of course speak for the general confused masses.

Stevie said...

My hubby Ian (tho we have yet to make it official... maybe this spring...) and my step-daughter... our Rache's daughter... on their way home to the valley from Iowa.
She is living with us for the year, instead of just a month or two, which for us is heaven, but it is heartwrenching for Rache...
I love her for letting us have her tho...

Unknown said...

Yes, she's gorgeous isn't she? And a free spirit...and she doesn't just look cheeky, Gypsy. Trust me.

I do have to thank the internet gods for blogs so I can see these wonderful pictures of my girl...

Vallypee said...

AWWWWWWWWWW. This is so precious and so touching.

Rache, thank everything that we have blogdom and you can see these too.

Stevie, what wonderful vibrant pics of your Ian and his daughter. These pics really connect you and Rache and all of us..xxxxx Wonderful