Saturday, August 04, 2007


Hey guys... I may be off awhile, but checking in when I can. My best friend's mother is dying, and I will be in the hospital to be with her as much as I can for the next few long days. All three sisters are being so strong, and Mama is not alone for one minute as they take shifts around the clock. I actually just got home, and am going to go catch a few winks before the day starts.

My own mum is healthy, thank the Goddess, but Mama B has been my second mum since I was 13. So, that's where I need to be.

Back soon, don't get into too much trouble while I am gone!


Dale said...

Hi Steph - have a good time away.
Wish I could get out of the valley for a bit myself.

How's the house-hunting going?

Have you been able to take advantage of this hot weather?

See you soon!

gypsy noir said...

Oh stevie, this is sad..
keep strong all of you..sending a big huddle your way..

MargieCM said...

Stevie, this is so sad. In a way though, I am glad that you have this opportunity to care for your friend and support her daughters. It is a privilege, albeit a terribly painful one, to be with someone you love as they leave this earth.

I sincerely hope your Mama B is in good hands, is comfortable, and knows that those who love her best are there with her.

Love and strength to you - where our mums are concerned, whether first or second ones, we are never ready to say goodbye.