Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sisterhood of the Travelling Teacup

Sisterhood of the Travelling Teacup

Okay, so this is me. I haven't been able to figure out how to put my photo on my profile, so this will have to do! We'll see... now that I have it on here at all I can probably wrangle it to the right spot.
Christmas is fast approaching, and while I know I should get things done sooner, I always wait until now to even start getting things done. And despite being called Grinchy, I never like to get a tree before the 20th. I just don't like to get used to it. I like it to stay wonderful and new right to Christmas day, and I find that putting a tree up prior to Dec. 20 and I just get accustomed to it. You should never grow accustomed to Christmas, at least I don't like to. It is more special to me this way. Never up before the 20th and down by Jan. 1 at the latest. Don't get me wrong, I love the season. But I have never understood the need people seem to have to pop up and Christmas tree before, in some cases, it even becomes December and then leaving it up well into January. Each to his or her own, I suppose.
So go ahead, call me Grinchy! I more than make up for it once that tree is up!