Thursday, February 01, 2007

For all you goddesses in my life...

I hate it.
I really do.
I hate the pigeon holing, the narrow little alley we, as a society, force our women into. We do it to men as well, but to a lesser extent.
I am, of course, talking about beauty.
You have to be thin-thin-thin, you have to have perfect teeth, you have to have perfect hair, you have to have designer clothes, you have to have mounds of make-up on at all hours of the day and God help you if you don’t have all these things down pat.
Well to hell with that, says me.
I am a firm believer that if you live a healthy lifestyle, and by that I mean eat food that is good for your body, get a little daily exercise (walk the dog, take the stairs, hell go to the gym or do a workout tape if that’s your fancy, just get like even just half an hour each day) and limit the really wonderful but really bad for you treats you eat, that your body will settle at the weight it is meant to be at, be that a size 6 or a size 16.
We see it, are force-fed “desirable body type,” in nearly every aspect of our society. Fashion magazines, television shoes, we glorify the likes of Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie (don’t get me wrong I like both those actors… or at least Angelina), the clothing stores all use, what, like size two mannequins, there are commercials in televised and print media that insist we need Relacor be beat belly fat, Slim Fast to drop weight quickly, and there are copious other lose weight pills and powders that we know just don’t work. Some of the best selling books these days are all hawking the best type of diet to achieve you desired body weight, but when you add them all together, you are still getting the same message: you, my dear, are not good enough.
It is in the shop at home catalogues like Victoria’s secret and even good old Sears.
And the really ironic thing is, we see what we are told is the perfect body and yet every other aspect of our lives is being directed towards sedentary lifestyles via computers and other electronic stimuli. AND ALL COMES FROM ESSENTIALLY THE SAME SOURCE!
We live in a society where we spend less and less time doing anything active in our daily routines, computers gobble up huge amounts of our time, we have put the nutritionally deficient bleached out food products on the shelves easiest to reach and afford, and yes, fast food is taking its toll.
Kids go to play at one another’s house, but instead of tearing around outside, they are more often than not inside playing video games. You know it is true… and while it is not true of every kid or even every kid all of the time, it is a sign of the times.
We are not going to be able to beat the age of laptops, X-Box 360 and PSPs, but we can try and find some way to balance it out.
Can you see the irony here? Our girls, and our boys, see what the societal version of perfection is and want desperately to have it, but at the same time, are spending more time on things like MSN messenger and Nexopia and MySpace, getting little or no exercise, and where were are they getting the messages about so called physical perfection? MSN, Nexopia, Messenger, yadda yadda yadda.
And we allow it. Have we given up?
I hope not. And while I am saying all of this I know there are some families out there who have not been sucked into the pit of unhealthy despair, so keep your pouty tut-tutting at bay for the moment.
The top and bottom of it is, we really need, as a society, to tell the small, and small minded, group of whoever the hell they, that we are no longer going to be sucked into their putrefac and harmful realm. And we need to tell our women and men that beauty is not in the lowest number on the scale or size tag, it is not in the perfect teeth (can you say laminates boys and girls?) or the perfect hair (please, as if it looks like that all the time) the buff bodies (it’s called having a private chef and a personal trainer, and that is in addition to the tummy tucks, breast implants and liposuction) and it is not found in a magazines or on television.
It is not in flawless, smooth, wrinkleless skin, it is not in your clothes or hair colour or style.
If you are a fitness buff, I applaud your self-discipline and drive, as long as you do it to be healthy and not to fit into a stereotype. And frankly, if you really feel a desire to go further and alter your body surgically, again, that is your choice and I will not hold it against you. Heck, there are times I wish that little fold of skin left over from my cesarean section would just disappear. It is a personal choice.
But we really need to ask ourselves, do we want to make drastic changes to our bodies for ourselves, or for others? Exercise to be healthy, and sure, sometimes being healthy really does include losing a few pounds, but lose the pounds YOUR body needs to lose, not the pounds some pigeonholing chart says you need to lose. Ask your doctor, if you have a good one, what your healthy weight should be. Choose healthy foods (and by the way, white rice, white flour, white sugar… all are so refined they have little if any nutritional value), and if you aren’t sure what those are, ask a nutritionist. Eat that donut or ice cream of slice of cake or pie, but make them treats, not staples. Don’t deny yourself the things you love, but try and make sure everything is in balance.
Beauty. It is in smiling faces, healthy people who try to eat healthful foods, do not deny themselves the odd indulgence here and there, who are not obsessive about weight and shape, who try and get out and be active every day they can, who celebrate life and love and laughter on a daily basis, even on those days that seem to just suck.
Beauty is in loving yourself for just who you are, and loving the people around you for just who they are.
I lost about 35 pounds in the past year and a half. I lost it because my cholesterol was too high and I could barely make a flight of stairs without wheezing. I am now a size 12. And I’m good with that. And I fully admit I am still trying to get in better shape, but I am doing it to strengthen my body, to give my back a little better chance, to keep my heart healthy so I can keep up with my kids and, one day many years from now, their kids.
I’ll tell you about my goddess women photo series I am working towards another day. Right now, I think I will have some tea with real cream and a little cake… and I’m going to eat it too.


gypsy noir said...

here bloody here!!..well said stevie ..i hate this nanny culture and the so called perfect ten..the 2.4 family..its all bollocks!!..who the hell is it that sits there and decides how we should live our lives..according to the health scares..EVERYTHING is bad for you..
i have the opposite problem of trying to put weight on!..its no joke and hard work..yet people seem to think it ok to come to my face and say.."god your to thin"..yet its deemed insulting to go to some one an say.."god your fat"..i eat what i like, i eat 'bad' food and i dont give a damn what size anyone is its the size inside what counts...

Stevie said...

Good for you... good for all of us... btw, lovely photos of you on your MySpace! You are simply gorgeous luvey...
so, already know you love your Indian food... mmm.. me too, my favourite is butter chicken with lots of saffron rice and naan...
and of course googleberry anything... mmm, and cheesecake.
And cream cheese. and hot buttered popcorn...mmmmmm....oh and scones with lots of butter and jam... I have as killer scone recipe... my British inlaws approved it so must be okay... I love food... but it is best when shared with friends over lots of wine, music and conversation....

Stevie said...

and you look awfully tall for three feet! lol

gypsy noir said...

mm butter chicken sound lush..mines chicken tikka with lots of corriander..mmm..i've not had a decent scone since my mam died way back in 1980..she was great at home useless..
well im 4ft11 and 3/ its important to get the 3/4 in..

gypsy noir said...

how tall are you?..

Stevie said...

a whopping five foot four and one half inches...
stuck in the middle of six foot tall norwegian women on one side, (Irish/Norweigan) and four foot 10 inch Metis/British lasses on the other side of the gene pool...
would make you scones happily if they would not be stale before they got to you through the post! Think Bert could fly fast enough to keep them fresh?

Lannio said...

Very thoughful and thought provoking post. I can't disagree with you either. However, I am encouraged that some fashion editors are saying that the fashion world is now looking at using more realistic sized models. It needs to go alot further tho. Funny tho - in a bus shelter there was a poster of kate moss wearing jeans and someone had written the worlds "feed me" next to her. I thought I was brilliant.

Dale said...

"Beauty. It is in smiling faces, healthy people who try to eat healthful foods, do not deny themselves the odd indulgence here and there, who are not obsessive about weight and shape, who try and get out and be active every day they can, who celebrate life and love and laughter on a daily basis, even on those days that seem to just suck.
Beauty is in loving yourself for just who you are, and loving the people around you for just who they are."

Stephanie...I just had to copy that!

This is what I am doing my best to get across to my kids and the only way I'll ever do that,is by setting an example and living it!
Not to mention the benefit I get from it...

We limit the amount of TV (and TV channels we have), the amount of time spent on our slow, old computer and by getting out and "doing stuff".
We have one Play Station that the kids only use now and then.
We live close enough to the school that the kids can walk.
In the summer we go camping, swimming, water skiing, mountain biking, as well as hanging about the campfire at night.
During the winter months we don't do anything...LOL
Sorry, I couldn't resist that!
We ski, skate and, before George sold the machine, did a bit of snow mobiling.
George loves his guitars and enjoys playing them on a daily basis.
I love to sketch, to read and to write, although these days I find very little time.
I am also guilty of being a couch potato in the evenings when all the work is done - I will usually fall asleep while watching CSI...
The only packaged dinner we eat is Kraft Dinner for a treat on Friday evenings and I make instant puddings (with lots of milk) for the kids' lunches.
I do love my beer after skiing or mountain biking and, of course, my glass or two of white wine.
The kids are permitted the odd pop, but I rarely have it in the house.
I do my own baking and cook with fresh ingredients.
I always have a stock of homemade applesauce for kids' lunches - and mine...George says "yuk".
I am also guilty of eating white flour bread and white rice, but I use whole wheat flour, as well as brown and wild rices - the kids would rather eat white. I might as well feed them what they will eat than have them not eat it at all...
I have a love of cheese puffs of which I will indulge on an occasional basis.

I have no idea what size I am...

Dale said...

If we don't read those magasines or pay any attention to the ads, or allow ourselves to be drawn in, we won't know the difference, will we?


Dale said...

...i wonder if your godesses are the same as mine...

Stevie said...

Dale... you are one of them, for absolute certain!
I was feeling kind of sheepish after I wrote that post, because I don't always manage to live up to my own standards (and I still have white rice and flour beside my whole wheat too, and dammit I have been trying for like two years to make REALLY good brown rice... can't get it quite right. Always seems a touch crunchy. All advice welcome...)
I want to use your quote...
But I have to admit, I misread you at one point and thought you said the kids were only permitted the odd "poop." I thought, wow, she is tough.
And you are ABSOLUTELY right that it all starts with what we teach them at home, and not just our girls, but our boys as well.
But I still worry, especially about the young girls who have no one doing that. The youth Centre and high school are putting on a beauty sleepover at the high school... I just came on board with is as I was unaware Shelley was doing until recently. It is along the lines of the Dove Beauty campaign... what is real beauty. We are looking for good ideas as to what to do, present, activites etc so it is not just a big sleepover.
Lesley: I am glad the fashion industry yoohoos are finally beginning to get there with the models size thing... and whoever put Feed Me beside Kate Moss was very clever!

Dale said...

BTW the limits we put on TV and the channels don't come without complaint from the wee ones!

So if they complain too much are we to give in?

Yes I do allow them to use the bathroom ROFL!
Number one... and number two...
Now that you mention it, I saw it too - it's funny how our minds take in the written word...or don't.

I haven't heard about the sleep-over...Behth's a bit beyond that, I think, but I think it's a great idea!
...and I have two younger ones on their way up through the ranks.
Dove is, hopefully, making a breakthrough...but it really DOES start at home.

Hey! Congrats on losing the weight - it can be so tough, but one's health is foremost, especially when we have kids.

And as far as the belly goes, well I could use a wee bit of tightening up, too.
No scar, but the tell-tale pouch...well-begotten, mind you, and I'd not trade it!