Sunday, February 04, 2007

napping of the kid....

....please help... the ninja mice I have trained since their birth have betrayed me.... i have been abducted and spirited away to a strange land I do not recognize... all I know is there is a large pile of dandelion puffs outside the barred windows of the cell I am held in... I am being fed only strawberry marshmallows and ovaltine... don't know how long I can carry on... help...


gypsy noir said...

OMG this calls for drastic measures..hmmm..i think i'll send bostick my trusty steed with a message for bert to take a further different message to the ferrion sect..they are the only ones who can save you from the dreaded ovaline..we can't let this happen..keep the marshmallos..they could come in handy as weapons to hurl at the ninja mice..step away from the dandilions they make you wet the bed!!..

Stevie said...

..okay, I'll hold on for the ferrions...and avoid the dandelions.... the marshmallows are under my cot, drying out so as to have sharper corners... have to run... I hear their little feet scampering along the stone floor outside...

Dale said...

ovaltine's not bad...neither are strawberry marshmallows, fot that matter