Saturday, October 24, 2009

word play.... please play with me!

OK, so my last post was solved instantly by darling Lannio, (the Three Great DWs: dwarf, dwindle and dwell) and Val added a lovely new one to the mix with dwaal!
We also have pluck, which must be used as a noun.
I am tagging everyone!
Let's play a game. Let's list as many unusual, or not used nearly enough, or obscure and strange words as we can and then... we will put them all together! I challenge everyone (once we have a nice crop of them) to stuff in as many as they can in a post of their own.
Mooaahahahahaha! The recipe of a literary mad scientest.... a veritable Frankenstein of phrases! Oh, include phrases too if you like... but don't let on the definitions... perhaps we will learn a little on the way!
I am going to start with
sesamoid (always wanted to use this one and never had the chance)
peril (which started this whole thing off)


Vallypee said...

Oooh, I'll have to look up sesamoid! The others I'm okay with, and especially love the word salubrious!! It's quite delicious as it rolls off the tongue, isn't it? Now, I'll have to come up with a few of my own! xx

Vallypee said...

PS, another small challenge for you Steph...can you write a short peice using all the words you've just listed here? That would be really excellent!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Stevie,

Bouffant is taken from the French, which may seem obvious. Bouffer means to stuff your face, which doesn't quite make the leap to the English definition...

My favourite French word, which a linguistic teacher once told me was a mispronunciation of the English words riding coat, is the word redingote, which is a type of long trench/ rain coat.

I like:


Dale said...

I am just thinking of your darling "Dolly Llama"...

Stevie said...

and added by Peter via email....
This is going to be a very interesting bunch of stories!
And Dale, I cracked up in Pen One today thinking of my Dolly Llamas myself! NARF!

Stevie said...

oh ps... I am going to wait for a few more words additions from our brethren... then I challenge everyone to write something using as many words as they can! The winner gets my ginger cookie recipe.... best ever darlings! Peter, you can enter via email!

Unknown said...

Oh I love salubrious! and it's soooooo good for you, too! How about snagglepuss, snarf, shenanigans, aldrenadon (completely made up), dwindle, evenstar, gaggle, hallucinogenation (mine too!), kaleidoscope, lugubrious,nifty,ogle, Oglalla, queasy, obey, robust, sanguine, scurrilous, travesty, uvula, vivisect, woosah, zither, dither......overkill?? Oh, and the ever popular antidisestablishmentarianism LOL

Dale said...

I cam omly use words that dom't imclude that letter that comes betweem "m" amd "o"

My keyboard is dyimg...


Stevie said...

oh No Dale! Never before has a more Nefarious turN of eveNts Nettled the coNtiNuity of the Norm in WiNdermere more iNsidiously! Negative ioNs must have Nestled in the NuaNces of your keyboard! What a persNickity NaNNy of a Negation in your Normally Neat aNd Natty Nature!! NUTS!!! Nay, you must Navigate your way to INvermere to Neutralize this aNNoyiNg turN of eveNts!

Dale said...

lol Steph - quite amazed at the volume of words that have that letter!

Quite the test to work my keyboard without it...
I feel the desire for a fresh post! Oh those words - they just alight the middle of my head!


Unknown said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m&ms

Thimkimg positive!!

You may have started a mew lamguage, Dale!!
