Thursday, July 10, 2008

My friend Norm.

My dear childhood friend Norm had a stroke last Saturday. It was very small, and had it been anywhere else in his head it would have been but a twinge.
But it was not anywhere else, it was at the top of his brain stem in his hippocampus.
That is a very very bad place to have a stroke. And a one in a million shot.
Every day he improves a little, but this will be a hell of a battle. But if anyone can do it, it is my friend Norm.
Please send good thoughts his way. He has a wife who is pregnant and a son who is four.
And he is wonderful.
There is a support page for him on facebook. It is called Norm Gagatek Support.
If you feel like stopping by it.
Love to all, loving you all, believing in every one of you.

1 comment:

Vallypee said...

I am so sorry Stevie. That is tragic and my thoughts are with him and his family. He is lucky to have you as his friend, though and I'm sure you will give him the support and good cheer to pull through this sad blow.