Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The tag is on!

1) Post rules before you give your facts (these are they).
2) List 8 random facts about yourself (oh... oh dear...)
3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them (Like Margie, I am worried several have been tagged already, but I'll do my darndest)
4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged. (Okay ... that's do-able).

So, eight random bits aboot me:

1) I really struggle with the concept of extreme wealth. I know many ridiculously wealthy people, and while several are good people (others are just arrogant fucks, pardon my language), I fail to see how one could morally allow themselves to wallow in such obscene luxury why so many many more suffer. In Canada alone, millions go to bed hungry, or live on the street, or in their car if they are lucky enough to have them, and to me the most obscene and heartbreaking of these situations, is the number of senior citizens who are homeless, HOMELESS, in their final years, their country that promised to care for them via pensions and old age security turning a cold and unfeeling back on them, most the bureaucrats turning said cold shoulder going home to a warm table of food after convincing themselves they’ve “done everything they can do.” May I burn in hell before I allow my parents to suffer so. And having said that, I cannot even comprehend the suffering in some third world countries.

2) My most favourite gift to receive is nice new socks and underwear.

3) I still want a cigarette nearly every day.

4) I am a Scorpio. Worse yet, a redheaded one. And as nears as dammit all the things they say about Scorpios ring true for me, most especially the passionate aspect of my personality. I love with true fervor, and should I happen to love you, whether friend, family or lover (okay, Ian’s my only lover), I’ll lay down my life for you. Rather not, mind you, so let’s not put that one to the test, shall we?

5) Like Margie, between the good or the bad in a (wo)man, I choose to believe in the good. But I have a freakishly sensitive bullshit detector, and am a pretty good judge of character.

6) I am something of a squirrel (mum says I was a gypsy in another life) when it comes to baubles. I love jewelry. Not so much diamonds and gold and that lot, but show me funky original stuff, ethnic or exotic looking, and I am all a-twitter. I LOVE LOVE LOVE open air markets, the best place to find funky such wee treasures.

7) Pot makes me violently ill. Can’t touch the stuff. Found out the hard way many years ago.

8) I believe in fairies.

Okay. I haven't checked to see if they have been tagged yet, but I am going to tag:

Cheryl Ann:
Darling Lovely:
Ian of Nottingham:

and hope I've left enough of us for you guys to tag, if I have not already re-tagged some of you!


MargieCM said...

Wow, that was quick! it took me ages - mostly to see who'd already been tagged. I know Gypsy and Dale have, and Koos too, cos I checked them.

Very impressed by your 8. It's lovely to have such a "snapshot" insight. The first really struck a chord, and I can also identify with most of the others, except that choosing underwear is a personal thing for me. Can't imagine anyone else getting it right! You've obviously been cleverer with your briefings (groan).

I think a good bullshit detector is essential, and I find mine gets keener with age, a sharper awareness of what's important, and lower tolerance levels to those who don't get it.

A nice collection!

Stevie said...

Hey Margie! It was fun!
I went over to Lace's blog after I finished it and was inspired to retake the Meyers_briggs personality delineator. I did it about 10 years ago...
Back then I was an ENFJ.
Seems I have changed a bit over the years. Now I am a:
(as I copied and pasted it from the page)
ENFP - The "Advocate" Myers-Briggs Personality Types (Free Test)

ENFPs are introspective, values-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive. They actively send their thoughts and ideas out into the world as a way to bring attention to what they feel to be important, which often has to do with ethics and current events. ENFPs are natural advocates, attracting people to themselves and their cause with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and positivity. ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental.

Stevie said...

Here's the site:

MargieCM said...

Haha I will try it. Not now though - supposed to be making a croquembouche for Em's birthday. Just waiting for the custardy stuff to cool ...

Stevie said...

a croquemwhat???

BlackVelvetLace said...

Whoops, you were tagged even before Gyps. Great answers, mine were just silly.

I like your Myers-Briggs profile as well. Funny how accurate such instruments can be. I'll have to travel over to Margies to see what hers looks like.


MargieCM said...

CroquemBOUCHE! It's a sort of French celebration cake - literally, it means "crunch in the mouth". A pyramid of choux pastry balls (profiteroles) filled with that fabulous French creme patissiere or whatever it's called, held together and decorated with spun toffee. Very pretty, and seriously yummy. It turned out well too - I was quite chuffed. And then stuffed, cos I ate so much of it.

Stevie said...

omg... that sounds like a little piece of heaven... (wipes drool off of keyboard)...

BlackVelvetLace said...

I hear ya Stevie, I WENT to Gary's blog to tag him and MISSED two posts below where he'd ALREADY answered this tag. Does that make me a leaping before you leap kinda girl??

::Will take the 5th regarding the Croquembouche.. just polished off 2 donuts.. waddles off::


Stevie said...

Welcome to the fold Lace!

Stevie said...

'spose there is a self help book for people who leap before they look?
It could be called, "Hey, no, seriously, wait just a flogging minute!"

Dale said...

I've been tagged by you and I think Lace, too. Now I've run out of Taggees...

Maybe I'll just point and click.

LOL Margie, I thought maybe croqembouche was a crocus mouth!
Now you'll have to send them little pasties across the ocean and up over, as they cross paths with the s'mores fixings!

Steph, I too struggle with the extreme wealth concept. I cannot imagine living with more money than I need myself - and mind, that would not be much.

I believe in faeries, too!
And every Christmas I check the night skies for Santa - ISYN!

Dale said...

And I'm an ENFP, too.