Tuesday, June 12, 2007

here we go....

So, a quick visual tour of Saturday Night...

Okay, so first off is a shot of me with the luminaries before we set them out around the track...

...and then me setting them on the track...

...we tried to get a glowy shot of them so you could see how they looked all night...

Then, a shot of me and the nephews before we went under the razor!

Really not a good look for me...

...and here we go...

Short... very short... and kind of mangy...

But I got the first swipe with the clippers!

And after the clippers came the shaving cream and razor...

tons of messy fun!

Nephew Chris was next up...

Finally all three of us bald... here with my hairdresser who drove two hours just to do this!

The hat stayed on all night... my head was VERY cold!

I have to take a photo of my young Scotty, who despite originally saying he'd prefer not to go bald, decided at midnight to shave his head for cancer as well!
I am so proud of them all, and we raised over $2200 for the cause!



Unknown said...

I said it once. I'll say it again...

You Rock!

gypsy noir said...

Wow stevie seeing the bags brought a tear to my eye...they looked wonderful..and you my dear, your beauty shines through your shaved head..stunning!..x..

Unknown said...

I'm all teary! Go figure. You have your head shaved and I cry? What?

Seriously, tho, some kid (more than one?) will be able to feel and look 'normal' after having lost their hair to chemo because you gave up yours to have made into wigs for him/her/them. What a beautiful gift.

Stevie said...

I got all teary just now, to be honest! Not because I have no hair, but because the whole weekend was so emotionally charged, and I think only after I did this post and saw all the photos did I realize how tightly I had to hold on to my emotions that night. My mum was there, and we had a luminary for my Papa Bill. It was tough.
I left the photos all as large files, so if you click on them, you can get a better view of them Gypsy, especially the glowy luminary picture... your mam is right in the middle. Tell Neil I am sorry about the wee burn mark on his mam's... it got a little windy and the bags blew over at one point and I didn't quite get to his soon enough!
I could send it to you if you like, the luminary bag I mean.

Lannio said...

Wow! How could anybody not read your post and get an emotional tug at the heart. Cancer is something that touches most of us somehow, somewhere in our life - but somehow this is one of the most touching. You truely are a heo... Now I need to wipe my tears.

Dale said...

You are to be admired...and I do so!

To risk repetition - you really ARE amazing!

it's called 4:30 am shadow in your case

Dale said...

I wish I were in a position that I would feel confident enough to go through with a contribution such as yours!

Maybe someday...

Dale said...

The luminaries were perfect!

Anne-Marie said...

You are an amazing, generous woman. Looking at the luminaries made me want to cry. They're so beautiful, and such a fitting tribute to those who fought the good fight.

Thanks for doing this for them, and for all of us who will benefit from the research funds.


Vallypee said...

Stevie! That is all so beautiful - you included. I love the photo with the three of you shaved heads. Somehow a face without the distraction of hair can be even lovelier and yours is no exception.

the luminaries are gorgeous, and I felt quite choked seeing the one for Anne.

Well done! You are a star indeed!

gypsy noir said...

Stevie i enlarged the photos and sent them to neil..i could see our mums names very clearly..it was so touching to think the candles burned so far away in their memory..and a massive well done on the amount of money you raised..if i was there i'd give you a big cuddle/hug/huddle..x..

gypsy noir said...

I would never be brave enough to shave my head..plus its to cold here in the wicked north..you are a shining example to women everywhere..

gypsy noir said...

Gosh you don't half look like your nephews..fine looking chaps..

Vallypee said...

Well done for raising so much money too Stevie. That's fantastic. What a great example you are to us all. I think there should be a special day dedicated to heroines like you and my friend Marion. She and her team raised a very impressive amount of money for Cancer patients as well. I do so admire you both! xxx

Stevie said...

you guys are all so sweet... It's chilly today... but I am saving so much time in the morning!

Dale said...

the good sister of the travelling hair

Dale said...

does it give a whole new meaning to head cold?

Chaz said...

Hi stevie sorry just read your message havent had a chance to get on blogger for a while, thanks for the luminary offering, however other than my grandmother who passed away many years ago, I am fortunate enough not to have lost anyone very close to cancer yet.


Chaz said...

Oh and well done on the hair front, a very brave and remarkable woman!!

MargieCM said...

Stevie, I am so sorry it's taken me so long to get back here. The photos are beautiful. It must have been a hugely emotional occasion, and those luminaries are gorgeous - I was wondering what they were when you talked about them earlier. I felt especially choked seeing the one for Neil's mum, having read about her illness and Neil's pain at her passing on his blog. It was a lovely tribute.

You should be very proud of yourself and your nephews. And my, Gypsy's right - you're a good looking bunch, aren't you?

gypsy noir said...

Stevie, when your hair grows back it's going to be brand new and in super condition.. :0)..

Stevie said...

But I don't like the stubble colour.. it is not red enough and it has some grey! Can I put colour mousse in? It's only temporary...

Dale said...

Chocolate mousse - a change is always good...

gypsy noir said...

Yes! a friend of mine had a skinhead and when it grew in, i dyed it for her no probs!!..i'll swing by in me egyptian dingy for ya!..

Lannio said...


Thanks for the kind words. You inspire me tooo. I would never have the guts to voluntarily shave my head! You are a hero

(((( Stevie ))))

Anne-Marie said...

your hair will come in even more beautiful, you'll see.

Did you know that Terry Fox did not have curly hair until after his first chemo? My father also had the most beautiful, soft silver hair after it grew back from his chemo.

I think it comes back beautiful like that to make up for the sacrifice, so yours will be gorgeous, you'll see, for having given it up for children. It's a hair karma thing. :)


Vallypee said...

Oh Stevie, how is your hair doing now? You know when it's a bit longer, you will see the real colour shine through. Hair colour is as much to do about how the light reflects on or through it, and as it grows, it will be thicker and more lustrous and even more beautiful I'm sure.

Funny thing. My hair looks totally silver grey when I pull it back into a tail or up in a comb thingy but if it's loose it looks quite blonde. It's all to do with the light.

We're all so proud of you, you know xxxxx

Mary Beth said...

Awwww...those luminaries bring tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for including my Gramma in that!

Wow, look at you, Baldy!! *LOL* That must be quite a change...I guess your head would get cold! Good thing it's not winter. :) Awesome fundraising! Congratulations!