Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wanna be my therapists? LOL!

Okay, so I guess I am just really sort of exhausted right now, mentally, physically and emotionally. I have two conferences in the next two weeks, one in Edmonton (four days) and then one in Cornwall Ontario (four days). I have so much work to get done before and in between I can't even conceive of how I will get it done, and on top of it all, Ian and I have been at odds for a while. Mind you that part of the stress is getting easier. Things kind of came to a head last week, and the crazy part is, both of us really needed to talk to the one person in the world that is always there for us, our best friends, and for him that is me, and for me that is him.
I just wanted to run to him and cry and rage and pour my heart out about my boyfriend, and he is my boyfriend. The reverse is true for him. In a weird way, it is very heartwarming to know we care so deeply about one another on so many levels.
I am feeling underappreciated, over worked and certainly underpaid, and just sort of too tired to do either of my jobs, but far too broke to really take a vacation.
Wah wah wah. Cowboy up girl! I wish I had a copy of the song "When The Going Gets Tough" by Billy Ocean. I think that will be my theme song for awhile!
Okay, now I have told you in a nutshell some of what is bothering me, and I got my glasses from Gypsy, so it is time for me to get up and keep going!
Thank you all for being so supportive right now... it means a lot to me.


gypsy noir said...

ok stevie as your therapist i want you to...lie down on my relax and breath going to take you to a nice place...your walking barefoot along a deserted shaw...the sand tickles your feet..its warm...the sun is on your back..masaging the tension see some steps...each step you take down you feel more and more...
ok step 1..feeling the stress flow away...2...mmm yes this feels good...3 feeling light and carefree..4..almost there..feeling soooo relaxed...5 yes thats it..your so see a big comfy bed...its inviting you to lie on float over to the bed and just lay down...sinking in to the warm soft feather like close your eyes and drift you drift you have that conversation with your boyfriend in a calm and soothing manor....afterwards you drift back to consciousness and make your way back up the steps...when you arrive back at the golden feel invigorated and ready to tackle anything in a calm and rational manor...
ok that'l be £3ooo please..i take american express...

Stevie said...

And worth ever damn penny!

Stevie said...

I've sent cash over with Bert... he is trustworthy with cash... right? He is over his gambling addiction, right?

Anne-Marie said...

I can sympathise with needing the break and not being able to afford it, so I am going to suggest a series of mini-breaks for you that will perhaps help you cope a bit better- think of something you like to do to relax (bubble bath, good book, music) and make sure you take the little things you need to have with you so that you can relax during your upcoming trips. There is a lot to be said for creating ambience when you're away from home, and small things like scented candles and treating yourself to small pleasures is a good start.

For me, the refuge is lavender Ombra foam bath, a daily yoga session to clear my muddled head, and dark chocolate. Find what works for you, and be good to yourself.

Good luck, Stevie. I hope things start looking better soon.

kae. said...

i love you steph. i wish i was there to give you a hug.

gypsy noir said...

i can see by the pic that the therapy is working...
bert in true reprobate style has squandered the money on booze and birds..'THE SWINE'...never trust him stevie...
hope today is brighter for you...

gypsy noir said...

the cats mouth went sqewiff...

Vallypee said...

Such irony Stevie. You and Ian are both too close to each other to be able to deal with problems that are threatening the fact that you are so close to each other..(huh?? I can see you going...what the *** is she on about??)

Anyway, love, sounds as if things are taking a turn for the better in that direction which is great, but the fact that you are so tired, overworked, underappreciated, underpaid, undervalued, overstressed and anything else over and under I can think of is not good. Take the Gypsy therapy, or if that makes your Amex card bend too much under the strain, Anne Marie's plan is a good basis for revitalisation without any expensive side

Me? I just take Sindydog and go for a very long walk ....always does me good to get away from everyone and everythng for an hour or two

Stevie said...

I think you are all the best therapists a girl could ask for!
Despite the fact that cad Bert has squandered the money on booze and floozy birds, Gypsy has offered to await payment until my Red Bull wings, all eight precious pair, are sold off on ebay.
And the best part of these conferences is I will be in hotels with tubs! And then I can take Anne-Marie's therapy tips with long, wonderful baths... all I have at home is a shower... and while I am in Cornwall, I will take Val's prescibed walks... in fact I believe I can cross a walking bridge into New York if I like... and I will take you all with me...
And Kori, I will see you soon and collect that hug!
Come to think of it, I will likely be on the conference trail when wee Harvey makes his entry into the world... I will keep checking to see those first baby photos!

gypsy noir said...

I've had bert castrated ..that sorts out his wiley ways but the nicking thing needs tougher punishment detail..
enjoy your conference, and soak in that bath for as long as you want..nice and hot..
see you soon..x..

ian gordon said...

tougher punishment than castration?????

Your meez looks like one of those Maharishi followers who claim they are flying when they leap off the mat.

Dale said...

I'm with you every step of the way, more ways than one.

Sometimes we have no farther to look than our own kitchen for answers.
In this world of "global" such-and-such, the real world is still only an finger's reach away.
It hasn't gone anywhere - nor will it...ever.

Let's make a date.

gypsy noir said...

lol...gordon..yes, well, taking away his pocket money and grounding him for a week..

Lannio said...

Humm, what can I say ... hey a tune is coming to my head (no surprise there).

Relax dont do it
When you want to go to it
Relax dont do it
When you want to come
Relax dont do it
When you want to come
When you want to come

But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

Get it up
The scene of love
Oh feel it

Relax relax relax
Higher higher relax

Nows the time, its party time