Thursday, January 25, 2007


Sisterhood of the Travelling Teacup
Man, I feel like hell. I hate being sick, and I especially hate being sick when I don't have time for it. Nothing major, a stomachy thing, but dammit I have no time for this.
I am hoping to go to this fundraiser for Carewest in Calgary in a couple of weeks. It is an evening of musicians, dancers, art, cocktails and culinary delights at a three story art gallery called Artists of the World, a total escape from reality for a few hours, something I could really use just now. The tickets are an absurd price, but it is after all a fundraiser, and as I have had several family members go through the Calgary system (the money will go to quality of life programs) I feel pretty good about the money going there. Now, to find a girlfriend to go with. It seems like a girls night out event to me... or rather, I want it to be! I have asked a couple, and so far no luck, both are booked already with things. But I am determined, and if need be I will go alone and drift around and be all mysterious... that might be lots of fun! Best run. Have a meeting soon, but thanks for the help in adding links... haven't done it quite yet, but getting there!


Dale said...

Get well soon, Stevie!

The fundraiser sounds great - it's amazing what our cities have to offer.
Escaping from reality sounds nice, too...

If you can't find a buddy, going stag and being all drifty and mysterious sounds like fun...

Stevie said...

Thanks Dale! I am determined to have fun either way!
Hmmm... wouldn't it be cool if we had Star Tekesque teleporters and we could all just beam in for the evening...

Stevie said...

Dammit Jim, I'm a youth centre worker not a caterer... I mean I'm a photographer... I mean, DOH!

Stevie said...

Well I'm definitely not a damn engineer!!!!

gypsy noir said...

hope your feeling better..maybe you need those glasses like now..ill send them via bert my carrier pigeon..

Stevie said...

most appreciated my dear Gypsy! I'll have the cat put down so as not to impede the intrepid burt!

want to hop over and come to the fundraiser with me? We can wear the sparkly shoes, the glasses, and look askance at all the partygoers with wry little smiles and an an air of absolute mystery...
ooh, wouldn't that be delicious!

Dale said...

Oh, don't get me going on Star Trek!

he's dead jim

im a doctor not a magician

but captain i canna get any more outta the warp drive

but she's gonna blow any minute

there's a class one message coming through on subspace captain

they're powering up their phasers raise the shields

engage warp drive now

ahead full impulse speed

Live Long and Prosper...


Stevie said...

And then...

Make it so, Number One!

Klingons don't smile.

I sense they are holding something back Captain.

It's a joke, Data...

Vallypee said...

Hi Stevie, the fundraiser sounds a ball. Hope you find a partner incrime...ooops...I meant fun! Sorry to ehar you're not feeling so good now, though. Take care, rest up and get some of those Gypsy Noir Inc happy Glasses. Wear them twice a day and yo're sure to feel better in no tim! ;-)

Thanks so much for the kind words on my blog too!
xx Vale

Stevie said...

hee hee! Might be crime... depends on the quality of the wine!!

Stevie said...

My Gyspy Noir glasses arrived via Bert the carrier pigeon earlier tonight... sadly, while I throttled my own imaginary cat to ensure safety, the neighbour cat gave poor Bert quite a fright and yoinked out a few feathers, then stole the glasses and ran away... I have sent a highly trained troupe of ninja mice after said cat to retrieve the glasses, and am currently plying Bery with port wine to fortify his nerves... he's alrealy eaten an entire bag of Jelly Babies... sez they are not as good as the ones back home...
Gypsy, rest assured this crime will not go unpunished.... and Bert will be fine once the feathers grow back...

Dale said...

...tell me the nature of your medical emergency

...c'mon Tuvok let's see a smile

Dale said...

i'll help you carry on...

Dale said...

Bert the Carrier Pidgeon report to sick bay...

Dale said...

Thanks for the message via Val's blog...


Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better by now Stevie - Bert, too.


Oops. Gotta go!

Stevie said...

Do you know where they keep the nuclean weactors? I think they aqre in Alameda...
Nuclear Weactors???

Okay Dale, and all other star trak junkies....
Best original series episode and best original movie?

Stevie said...

Opps, I mean star trEk junkies...

Dale said...

I think the best original series was The Menagerie.

But I love the whole Voyager series!

As for the best movie - it has to be the one where Kirk and Spock go back in time on earth to save the whales...dagburnit I can't remember the name of it.