Monday, January 29, 2007

It's getting late-ish...

Hmm. 1:23 a.m.
I think I was a vampire in another life... or perhaps a bat.
I am doing laundry, listening to Stargate SG1, and attempting to sort through various receipts for taxes. Ugg.
I wonder what you are all up to at this hour... those of you on this continent no doubt are nestled snug in your beds sleeping... what most rational people do at this hour.
My friends across the world, though, what time is it for you? My dear niece will be in her Dinan classroom attempting to coerce teenagers to expand their grasp of the English language. It is... let's see, 9:27 a.m. for her in France.
I want to post some photos soon. But as I only just managed to get the links to your blogs on my site, I think I will give it a day or two more before I get that adventurous. I think it would be easier on my MacIntosh upstairs in my office, but I do not feel like going up there just now. It is above the garage, and it is dark and chilly out there. Took the garbage out a bit ago and that was enough of that air for tonight... or this morning... or whatever it is.
So in the spirit of the tags I read on your blogs before I became more blog-prolific... I ask you all this:
if you could spend a year in any country in the world, all expenses paid andwith the ability to have your loved ones visit, where would you go, what would you do there and why would you choose that particular spot?
I'll start. (This year would be all about me, brought on my the fact I am very weary these days, and if I were to do another year, it would all be about social work in impoverished countries, but this one would gird my loins for that next one). This is also assuming my darling children have graduated and left the nest.

It would be Italy, because I think in another life I was Italian. I would go on my own, not because I do not love my partner, but because I think it would be good for me to discover more about myself in solitude and peace. I have a strange desire to do so one day. And of course, as part of the parametres, he could visit ever so often... (not every so often, but ever so often!)
I would travel all over the place and shoot endless photographs, and write a book finally. I would learn Italian, and grow a lovely garden with herbs and vegetables, have lots of cats (well, not too many), and be eccentric and odd and have lots and lots of dinner gatherings to share stories. And to create those dinners, I would visit with ancient old Italian grandmothers and beg them to teach me their recipes.
A very self indulgent fantasy... am I terrible?

Who's next?


gypsy noir said...

firstly..stevie i got bert back today..he is soo grumpy..i blame the port..over indulged as see i forgot to say he is a recovering alcoholic..but he wouldn't of told you that..any excuse for a drink..i heard about the antics of that now happy cat!..
ninga mice rule...
oohh i have irish and italian blood in my viens...
i think i'd like to go to egypt..the place where the name gypsy comes from as they were the first to travel..apparently..the only thing that puts me off is the scorpians..but the history of egyptians is fascinating..they were inventors and so ahead of their time in cosmology..and archaeology, i wonder what happend to them? ..why aren't they around today inventing stuff?..because they were aliens....
ps.. im a night owl..i prowl at night..

Stevie said...

So about the port... you know how those alcoholic carrier pigeons are... lying little beggar... he said you gave him a wee nip every night before bedtime.
Egypt... oooh, yeah, that'd be ever so cool. I think Rache would agree with you...
I tend tobe a night owl as well... just those mornings are hard to deal with when I indulge... I need to be financially self sufficient so mornings don't matter! I'd best get on that novel...

Stevie said...

Pretty dashing aliens, I might add!

gypsy noir said...

don't believe anything bert tells you..specially if he went in to his past as a shakspearean actor..its simply not true he had a bit part in an advert for bird flu..
i very rarely see mornings..unless i have too..those egyptian aliens might come back and abduct us...
the only reason you would go to italy on your own is to get swooned by those italian know its true..;0)

Stevie said...

I hear they hiss at you... ;)

Stevie said...

And bert laid claim to a Tony award, we well as an Oscar and a Gemini.... I think perhaps he is pathological... what time is in your world? 11 a.m. here... must be, what, 9 p.m. ish?

gypsy noir said...

he is a pathological lier..he stole the tony award and got an asbo...
19,15..evening time..quater past seven in ye old english..

Dale said...

In bed at eight up at five this morning.

Lordy what's wrong with me?

I have to admit I love the mornings!

I'm a rooster...I don't know what happened to you, Gypsy...

Gypsy is precisely seven hours into our future.

I'll let you know which country when I have more time...

Dale said...

so Gypsy has Bryan Ferry been floating about Stevie's blog?

aliens a la derelicte chic

gypsy noir said...

i think the ferrion has been lurking dale..stevie has been too busy with berts issues to notice..
i know im rooster..but a backward one..:0(..

Stevie said...

rooster... me too... is there something I should know about this Ferry chap?

Dale said...

...only that there's lots of them

...alien heads singing Roxy Music

Dale said...

Oh...and yes...derelicte chic, no less

Dale said...

!yspyg ood-eldood-a-kcoc

gypsy noir said...

ooh stevie you have to go back in blog time to read my post on the ferrion sect..look upon the may post...the abduction...
