Friday, April 02, 2010

your hands will tell you...

I look at my hands. Snarled up, scarred, callouses. Fingernails short by necessity, cuticles often stained purple with Cristol from treating one alpaca, or red from iodine after sterilizing the cord of a newborn cria. I like what I see. They are hardworking hands. Hands that while are not trained for a vet, do see their share of healing animals, delivering babies, reaching far into the dam if need be to untwist a baby's long neck or guide it down the birth canal. Hands that learned to run new equipment, shaking a little sometimes because the machine's power occasionally scares me. Hands that hold a rake, a pitchfork, that carry newborns into the green pasture to learn to stand and reach for mama's milk. I have rancher's hands.
Hands that reach for my husband's face as he makes me laugh day after day.
Hands that once, sometimes, were soft, nails long and painted, work of a different kind allowing for such cosmetic graces.
I think this way today, because I am blessed to have had so many opportunities in my life.
From waitress and chambermaid when I was young, waitress when I was older too, to landscaper, then journalist, writer, youth worker, photographer, ski tuner, running the deli at the Banff School of Fine Arts (what a way to be 17 that was!) grocery store clerk, and once, for a short two weeks, a door to door encyclopedia salesman. I never sold a single set. I was very bad at that job!
So many things, such variety. And still so many things to try! For now, ranching suits me though. I like this calling.
I do not think I am at all unique this way. You, reading this now, have surely had such variety in your life. Your hands tell stories, create them, mold them. As surely mine have.
Tell me your stories.... what one, what job or experience, or moment in general, do you hold in your hands?
I await with bated breath...


mrose said...

My hand has a blister on from climbing in the gym today... and my arm has scratches from climbing on the rocks last weekend.

Those were only my fourth and fifth times climbing ever in my life, and third time this winter. It's a new habit. But one I'm liking. And it's making me stronger!

Love you,

Koos F said...

That's a beautiful description, Stevie. One day I'll compare the impressions of your hands in my mind with the real thing, I hope.

Meanwhile my hands are quite different to each other.
I am definitely right handed, but certain things I can only do left handed: shaving, teeth cleaning, playing billiards, combing hair, using a broom or a spade.

And my hands have a different awareness. The left one is especially ignorant. It has no clue what the other one does ;-)

Anne-Marie said...

Cool post, Stevie.

I am a lefty, through and through, with a prominent writing bump on the middle left finger because, as you know, I love to write and long-hand is still a favourite for the first drafts. Just under the writing bump is the faint remainder of a burned wart, likely caused (I was 10 or 11) from excessive writing and whatever other reasons one might get warts. The two are so close to one another.

I have average length and width fingers, not so conducive to piano playing though I tried and tried in the teen years to get better at it. The shapes are rather crooked, with the thirds closest to my nails forking in inward on the ring and index fingers (is this normal, folks? It always seemed strange to me).

One last detail about my hands, or more precisely my nails. I am a chewer. Always have been, and I suspect, always will be. Not nerves, or stress, because I am not that type and would undoubtedly be much thinner if I were, but likely a sign of my fidgety, easily distracted nature. I have tried the bad-tasting clear polish, fake nails, all of it, and it still endures as a bad habit from forever ago.

Fidgety writer, then, that's me. :)

Happy Easter!

Vallypee said...

Hi Stevie, I've always been handy;-)

My hands are always busy with something - making, baking, sewing, sowing, planting, painting, strumming, picking, writing, marking, sanding, nailing, screw....ok ok I'll stop there!

Just let me say my hands express what my heart creates. They are workers hands and show the scars, much like yours, I guess.

I like to think of them as craftman's hands, but then that could just be my conceit of course. I'm just getting older really, I know!

Big hugs

Stevie said...

Margery! Rock climbing seems like a very worthy way to get scratches and blisters!
Koos, one day we will shake hands! Funny, I am right handed but always use my knife with my left.
Anne-Marie, I keep looking at me hands after reading your comment, but nope, no third finger bending towards the other! Maybe you bent it when you were small... or you are just very unique!
Vally, really you should always complete those sentences! LOL! Now I am wondering just what the last of that list of things you do really was! ;)
Thanks for these... I love when we get the chance to know those little things about each other!