Saturday, October 18, 2008

taking a chance...

something has happened.
I am terrified... but exhilarated...
I am jumping into something like I know I should not.
And, no, it is not what you all think.
There has been a total earthshaking event in my life.
I hope you will all understand when I tell you.
I do not know exactly what is going to happen.
But I am going to do what my nature tells me to do. My true nature. The one I have denied for many years.
please... send me your love... send me your support... and your understanding....


Dale said...

Hi Steph!
You already have my love, support and understanding.

Good luck!


Unknown said...

You got it kiddo...good luck.


Drucilla said...

Always. I just wish I knew what was going on.

Stevie said...

Dru dearest.. I will tell you soon... but for now I have to stay quiet.
You will understand.

Cheryl Ann said...

sending you all the love, support and understanding i can darlin' and by following your true nature i hope it leads you to your true happiness.
luv, vibes, & hugs

Vallypee said...

Hi Stevie, I've been tardy coming here, but you know you have all those things.. the love, support and understanding etc..but I saw from FB that 'Ron has moved'. What is happening in that life of yours??

Stevie said...
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Vallypee said...

Well, you have that support still Stevie. I just hope things work out well for you in the end. It seems your life is very turbulent now, so I hope you can keep your strength and that well known courage of yours xx

t-money said...

Frick, I am sorry I didn't read this earlier. You have allll of my love and support. I am here if you need me, just say the word and I'll do my best. I love you.