Sunday, July 29, 2007

My yoots... er, youths

As Joe Pesci would call them, here are some of my "yoots" helping out at our Canada Day BBQ a few weeks back. Good kids they are. Worth it.
I was embroiled most of this weekend at a golf tournament (not actually golfing, just sort of being there), which wasn't officially a charity event, but which last year and this year has resulted in donations to the youth centre. It is called the Windermere Oilman's Tournament. Need I say more?
There was more money in that group of 36 or so men than in some small countries.
But, as much as I struggle morally with the concept of intense wealth in a few when so much of the world suffers in poverty, most of this bunch are also very generous to a great many charities and good causes. And for the most part, they are truly good people. One or two are a wee bit on the snooty side, but mostly nice folks who happen to be filthy rich.
This is a bit of what I said to them to hopefully add a few zeros to the cheques.
"...It costs in excess of $200,000 to run the youth centre each year. And I believe it is worth every penny.
I also believe that in every youth, every child, there is the potential for great things to come... if they are just given the opportunity to reach that potential.
And I truly believe places like The Summit Youth Centre play a significant role in where or not a young person says, 'I believe in myself.'
I believe. Two small words... that can carry such power.
Thank you for your support."
Eh... who knows. I still have lots of fundraising to go either way.
Oh, and I am going to be in Merrickville Aug. 13 and 14 at a youth centre conference, and then Ottawa Aug. 15 to 17. Anyone up for lunch while I am there... Mary-Beth?


Dale said...

Hi Steph!

Ah yes, golfing avec les neuveaux riches...

I know the women who run in packs in the streets of Windermere during the summer- buff bodies, state of the cross-trainers and designer spandex.
They all have weight rooms in there homes with private trainers at their beckon call.
Not to forget their "second (or third) family car" - possibly a Lexus or a Lincoln Navigator SUV.

No - I'm not envious.

I have always thought the YC was a great thing for the kids. Beth has used the facilities often, as you know.
But I do remember a midnight call from you "Come pick up your daughter - she's been drinking..."

Thank You, by the way! :)

I greatly admire your spirit when it comes to helping make the world a better place for our kids.
We both know they are our future.

Of course, it does start at home and that is the most difficult job of all - keeping them in line while loving them at the same time.

I have all my kids with me for the next two weeks and it's great to have them home. It was rough the last couple of weeks for more than the fact they were away...
I refuse to be drawn into some of the nonsense that goes on.

I've been actively looking for an accounting position and I have a telephone interview this afternoon.
Wish me luck!

How's the house-hunting going?

I'd love to get together with you sometime in the near future - I still have your tupperware. ;)

Dale said...

oh bloody hell - state of the ART x-trainers...

Stevie said...

I like your new term Dale: state of the cross... it's like they are uber-religious athletes.
"Save your soul and lose some weight with Bible Bertha, the state of the cross trainer to the stars!"

Stevie said...

And thank goodness I didnt have to golf with them. It's so funny that you use the term neaveaux riches.. that is exactly the term Ian uses!

Stevie said...

and believe you me, have I had issues with Justin this year!
Sometimes I really truly just want to give him a good swift kick... oh, wait, then I would be making gravy with you! Ah, we'd be in good company! lol!

gypsy noir said...

It's good to know there are people like you about helping the yoof of today..and pestering the filthy rich is a worthy cause in it's self!..
your a goodun..

Dale said...

Neuveaux riches = newly rich.

They are not born into wealth.
Rather, they fall into it later in life, often taking the decadence that goes along with it to a whole new level...

Dale said...

LOL state of the cross

sounds like a great new cult idea