Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dec. 20

It's quiet. Blessedly so. Not all that early really, but the dogs are fed and out (I am awaiting the inevitable barking that signals the attack of the hoards of grizzlies Trappeur is certain will come every day... it is usually a deer), Tony lies abed yet having stayed up all night playing chess online, and I have a cup of coffee and a few precious moments peace. Not that I do not love them all. But being truly alone is a rare commodity for me. And, I miss it. Today is Dec. 20, and time now to get a tree. I don't like to get one any sooner... it takes something away from the excitement of Christmas for me. And today, I pick up my new car! A Honda CRV, well maintained, and a 4X4. AND... Ta-ra ta-ra! it will have studded winter tires! No more sliding around Westside Road for me. Not to worry, I will not take on false courage and careen around corners! We are hosting Christmas Eve dinner this year, as Scott will spend Christmas day with his bride to be's family. I believe the head count is 15... Good thing I like to have a crowded house now and then! All in all, things are well and mostly as they should be. Looking forward to the new year, and new adventures. And enjoying today while it is here. Love to all... may you find peace, joy and love in the next few days, and even more after that. Stevie

1 comment:

Vallypee said...

I'm glad you are looking forward to a busy and family filled Christmas, lovely Stevie. I wish I was with you! I miss busy, everyone mucking in together Christmases with my family. Enjoy your peace while it lasts, though. Big love and lots of hugs - or is that the other way round? :-) xxx