Friday, November 16, 2012

Goodness gracious.

Have you ever, out of sheer frustration, just wanted to reach over the flick someone right in the middle of their forehead?


Vallypee said...

oh yes! Many a time, but then they are usually my nearest and dearest, so I generally think better of it! Love is stronger than irritation :)

Stevie said...

Too true Vally! I have decided I am going to take up tae bo in the basement. Into the open air seems like a better way to throw a punch. :)

Dale said...

As a parent, I have been familiar with the feeling in the past ...
Oddly enough, I don't seem to have those frustrations now.

Stevie said...

Lol Dale!
I still have the odd moment. It actually takes a lot to truly frustrate me, but every now and then....
and I would not have the heart to flick very hard. :)