Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Natural Law

Many of you will remember Ian Cobb, my former common-law husband, from years of mentions in long ago posts. He is now happily re-attached (still awaiting the announcement of an elopement with his love Carrie, a woman I respect and care for a good deal) and has a successful and hard-hitting (in good old Ma Murray tradition) on-line newspaper, E-KNOW. This particular link to his paper is in regards to bullying, and I tip my hat to him for it. Never were one to pull yer punches, eh Cobber? I am proud of you. Stevie


Stevie said...

The link does not seems to be posting... here it is.


Vallypee said...

Very well and very powerfully expressed, Stevie. You can feel his passion and outrage at the mean, low injustice of those who find gratification in bullying. Sadly, very sadly, bullying has always been with us. The net is just another vehicle for these mean spirited individuals to use to drive over people's feelings, leaving them emotionally and sometimes physically scarred for good.