Friday, February 19, 2010

Talk about taking your work home with you...

This is Khandi's Kotton, a cria whom, recently weaned, has become even more social. She had a rough start to life, and when she was first born I had to handle her a lot, bottle feeding, physiotherapy for her legs, an IPT transfer, etc. Tony decided to see if she would follow him into the house, and voila, Kotton came to visit!
She only stayed a little while, then went back out to her pen, following Tony like Mary's little lamb.
and PS
That sweater goes in the garbage! I most certainly DO NOT have a spare tire like that around my middle!


Vallypee said...

She looks like a great bog poodle Stevie! What a lovey! And I love the pic, and nooooo, I never thought you had a spare tire. Perish the rubber...I mean, thought!...LOL. You can see it's just folded fabric Stevie. You look happy and glowing as always, and hasn't your hair grown fast!

Vallypee said...

I meant BIG bog!

Dale said...

Have you ever wondered what Mary's lamb's name was?

Stevie said...

yes, as a matter of fact I have! Terribly unfair, Dale, that the poor lamb had no name.
We should come up with one...
And thank you Vally! So glad you could see the sweater through the folds! lol!

Unknown said...

Didn't a great bog poodle win that big fancy-pants dog show last week?

Kotton is adorable. Is she the cria you were so terribly worried about a few months back?

Dale said...

You have bog poodles over there by the canals in The Netherlands, Val?
I guess I can think of worse things to find in a swamp...

Dale said...

lol Steph!

I could make use of that sweater...

Stevie said...

Dale, I think you could make use of a bloody bodyguard! What was that other skier thinking??????? My goodness. Well, if nothing else, you are forced to take a little you time!