Monday, December 07, 2009

um... brrrr

and tomorrow morning, a balmy -29, with a wind chill to make it feel like -39 degrees celsius!
Wow... I think it will be a good day to work in the barn and then hang some photos on the walls of the spare rooms...
All this after nearly 20 cm of snow and more flurries tomorrow.
Welcome to Edmonton folks!


Dale said...

I remember waking up with a snow drift on the foot of my bed when I lived in Edmonton...

I also remember pumping gas when the thermometer read -40 degrees...
without the wind chill.

Yes Steph, stay indoors as much as possible!


Dale said...

pumped gas in Saskatchewan...

Stevie said...

this is insane Dale! But the flurries have stayed away and at least the sky is a lovely blue!

Vallypee said...

How do you survive such cold? What's the temperature inside your house?