Friday, March 07, 2008

Scott at Not Quite Carnegie Hall.

So I wanted to vlog a sample of Scott on the piano for ages... and wanted to record him playing Fur Elise... but sadly our 108 year old Nordheimer Cabinet Grand blew the middle C key recently, and it is fairly important to the piece! Here he is playing Melody by Viktor Kossenko... um... and round about the middle, my computer, Alex, announced the time... hee hee!
So there are a few missing Cs in this piece, but far fewer than in the Fur Elise. I am very proud of his rendition though so I will record him on a piano NOT missing middle C.
So without further ado.... I give you, Scott Stevens, performing live at the Moorish Mansion.

Val, I added this next vlog because I took it (using my computer, so neither are the best of recordings... will have to get a proper vid cam soon) at Scott's lesson today. He is playing a piece by Bach, and while the piece is fairly short, the vid is long because you will finally get a taste of The Russian Piano Teacher, Inga. She absolutely ADORES Scott but she is so strict! Her vision is all but gone now, and she will be risking cataract surgery soon. For her is is a risk because she has had retinal detachment in both eyes, and one is totally blind, so losing the other will mean never reading music again. I am hoping she might consider brail... but...
About three quarters of the way through, if you listen, she says to Scott "ah! told you million times..." when he does not continue with a crescendo long enough. I am glad to have caught it because she is so funny when she says it, it is her favourite frustrated expression, and one day Scott will look back at this video and laugh at the memory!
anyhow, it about 11 minutes and I don't expect you to watch it all, but by the end you can hear the improvement her method makes already!
(ok, still trying to get the vid on... having technical difficulties)


Vallypee said...

That was really most beautifully played, Scott! And I didn't miss a single C. Very kind of Alex to tell me the time, though, even though it totally threw's only 1.10 here!

Stevie, darling, your son is a very talented young man, and his playing is beautiful. I loved the piece and it was much nicer for me to hear something I didn't know than Fur Elize which I was practically weaned on, so for me, the demise of the C was a blessing..;-)

Koos was listening as I played this, and also said how beautiful it was. Well done, Scott...not quite Carnegie, eh? Well, they just haven't heard you yet!

Vallypee said...

PS. I love your new profile pic. Very cute with an air of the intellectual ;-) Beautiful!

Anonymous said...
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MargieCM said...

Bravo Scott! (And Alex).

It's a beautiful piece, beautifully played. He's a talented guy, Stevie.

gypsy noir said...

What a prodigy!... Scotty, you have a wonderful talent, such grace and ease with the piano, Bach would be proud..

You must be very proud Stevie..if Scotty keeps this up he will go far..
Love the old grand piano, we had one in our front room when I was a kid, my mam used to play it and the accordion too!..

Cheryl Ann said...

WOW, that was beautiful to listen to. you must be very proud! Thanks for putting that up for me to enjoy!
Have a beautiful weekend-

Anonymous said...
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Lannio said...

I'd love to hear your boy play, but ever since my move my computer speakers don't work!!!!

However, I'm back and still living. Hope you are well.


gypsy noir said...

Stevie!, my comrade-sending you a big easter bunnie cwuddle..
Have a good break and do they do bunnie shaped s'mores?

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Stevie,
What a lovely touch Scott has at the keys. I wish I could sound so graceful.

They have s'mores Quaker Chewy bars!


Vallypee said...

Hi Stevie, seems you're off circuit a bit. Hoping all is well with you, dear one, and that you are just busy making strides in your new career.