Saturday, February 09, 2008

I forgot to show you my new tattoo!

I forgot to show you my new tattoo! I had it done about a month ago.
The question did arise, as I announced my intention to run for political office, if I were elected, how the other regional directors would feel about their new counterpart sporting several tattoos... was good for a laugh!
So yes, I am running for Regional District of East Kootenay Area F Director this fall. Whew. Long winded title. Long story short, I was asked to consider running a few months ago, and made the decision the other night. I figure with all the growth and development, there needs to be someone representing the residents who does not have a personal agenda. So, we'll see what happens. But don't worry, I won't become one of THOSE politicians!


Drucilla said...

I'd vote for you if I could.

Cheryl Ann said...

WOW, Nice tattoo! Is there any specific reasoning behind the symbol or meaning? Best of luck on the campaign trail!

Anne-Marie said...

Welcome to your life, tatoo!

I think it looks cool. That and the fact that, as a pain weenie, I admire you for going through with it. I just do the temporary kind.


Stevie said...

it is the start of many to come... the tattooed politician... lol

MargieCM said...

Stevie, you're MY kind of politician! No sellouts, and no agenda beyond fairness and equal opportunities. And the best thing about having a visible tattoo is that you can't turn around and go all capitalist property-developer-right-wing conservative on us down the line! (Well, not without some expensive laser surgery and skin grafts, anyway).

I never thought of this before, but maybe young pollies getting tatts is a great way of reminding them as the years go on and their snouts sink further into the trough that they were once young and had alternatives and ideals.

Seriously though, you'll make an excellent advocate and representative, and I wish you all the best for the election trail. Got a good campaign manager?

Stevie said...

yes, her name is Margie, she loves red wine and is going to move from down undah to make sure I win!

gypsy noir said...

Nice tat!, like Cheryl I was wondering if there was any personal ,meaning to it?..

Oh yes, what the world needs right now is a 'Stevie' in politics!..

I wish you were our local politician!..

And yes!, Margie must move and be your Manager!..

We've had The Naked Civil Servant!..
Now we want The Tattooed Politician!..

World domination looms!


Stevie said...

someone very dear to me gave me a Celtic cross that had been around their neck for many years ... I was afraid I might lose it, and it means a great deal to me. Losing it would break my heart, so I had it tattooed on. Now if ever it is lost I will still have it.

gypsy noir said...

What a great idea Stevie, I have a old cabinet thats dear to me too, should I get that tattooed on me back?..incase I lose it ;0)..

No-seriously, I lost a cross years ago from a friend who killed himself, so I know how special these things are..

BTW- love the sig pic, you look fabulous and your hair is looking lovely!

Stevie said...

lol! Gypsy you are not big enough to tattoo a cabinet on your back!
Are you back? I have to go check...

gypsy noir said...

True!, the cabinet is bigger than me..
Well, i'm back but still being lazy..too busy Git Surfing in carparks..

MargieCM said...

I'm feeling unusually well-disposed towards Pollies today. See my blog for (very long) explanation.

Oh, and I would accept the job, but I'm not sure I could keep pace with your energy levels!

Dale said...

You have my vote.

And, like AM, I am a pain weenie...
No tatoos on this one...but I have one designed and ready in case I decide, in a moment of extreme superhuman bravery, to have my skin pierced with hundreds of thousands of tiny ink-bearing, skin-searing needles...

Vallypee said...

Agh Stevie, I'm late again!! So sorry, sweets!

That's a really special way of keeping your cross Stevie. It's a beautiful design too. On the whole I'm not a tatt fan. Jodie, my daughter has a big dragon on her back and her hubby has them all up his legs and arms, so I'm used to seeing them around me - they're just not for me though. Yours is cool, though and nice to know it has a special meaning

As for your new path, well done and I'd vote for you too!! I think you're one of the few people I 'know' who's got the passion and commitment, but yes, as Margie says, also the energy. Go well, kiddo, and we'll be rooting for you. xx

Stevie said...

I am going to try and get around to all blogs tonight... I am a lazy lout for not doing it sooner!
As for tats, I do not think getting ink is a good fashion statement... I firmly believe there has to be true meaning behind them. They are for life, after all. Even a spouse you can divorce, but tattoos are forever.
Thank you all for you proxy votes! They do mean a lot to me! And great great news! I got the grant I need for my youth empowerment camp in April!!!! So very exciting! We have Sunjay Nath as our speaker... you can see about him on He is truly wonderful and I love him to death! And his claim to fame: he has never ever lost his temper! BEing a fiery tempered redhead, I think that would drive me insane frankly, but it is admirable all the same!

MargieCM said...

Great news on the grant Stevie! Mega congrats on securing it - I know preparing the subsmissions for such things is hard work, and there are only so many grants to go around ...

gypsy noir said...

I'm back!..

Unknown said...

Hi Stevie!

Yes, it's red - and the CD is on the way. Hayley has basic instructions what to do (first) in her e-mail - and some pictures in her mchsi e-mail.

Great tattoo! I really like where you put it. One of the spots I've been considering - and your reason for getting is very touching.

I suppose I'd ought to get a good photo of was a coverup so my choices were very limited as far as design, color and size, but I do love clematis, and purple is well...purple. I have several ideas for another one, but you're absolutely right, there has to be real and enduring meaning behind it. Tattoos don't leave much room for regret. I'm in no hurry tho.

Very good luck with the Regional District of East Kootenay Area F Director campaign....That really is a mouthful! :) You're gonna do great! I believe you've definitely got what it takes! I'd vote for you.

And that is wonderful news about the grant!

Take care!

Stevie said...

Hey Rache!
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Ian is less thrilled, but he told me to go for it if I wanted to.
And purple is just the best colour. It even sounds good when you say it! The one I have on my lower back is likely going to need to be covered. It really meant nothing, and the guy did a terrible job on it. He seemed more interested in how he looked in the mirror as he tattooed me than the actual job he was doing.
Sully (my new tattoo guy) said it would be easier to cover it than try to fix it.
I'd love to see a photo of yours!

BlackVelvetLace said...


Celtic crosses rule. And I LOVE your new pic, your hair is gorgeous.


Dale said...

just last night

i had a dream

i got a tatoo or two

didn't hurt a bit

...wish it were true

Dale said...


Dale said...

Consider myself hired!

Your numbers are my command!